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The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.pdf

 The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.pdf

The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.pdf

The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.pdf


BERTRAND RUSSELL (1872-1970) wrote this celebrated introduction top hilosophy in 1911 and published it in January 1912. It has been read byg enerations of students of philosophy-in and out of universities-evers ince. The book belongs to one of Russell's most fertile philosophicalp eriods. In 1910 he had completed the long and wearying technical workr equired for Principia Mathematica, his great collaborative work with A. N.

Whitehead and one of the cornerstones of modern mathematical logic. Hes aid that his "intellect never quite recovered from the strain"; yet onq uestions of general philosophy he evidently experienced a new release Of fresFreshness and vigour. Though the book is written as a popular introduction.

-Russell called it his 'shilling shocker'-it advances definite views andi ntroduces thoroughly new ideas, for example on truth. It does so crisply,u ndogmatically, unobtrusively, with luminous clarity. It certainly deservesi ts continued popularity.

Russell does not deal with all the problems of philosophy. As he explainsi n the preface, he confines himself to those about which he thinks he can bep ositive and constructive. The upshot, given his interests at the time, is thatt he book is mainly concerned with epistemology-the branch of philosophyw hich investigates what we can be said to know or r easonably believe.

Russell also comes to some striking conclusions, on the basis of thisi nvestigation, about the ultimate kinds of things there are. He does not dealw ith ethics or with a range of classical questions concerning mind anda ction, such as the nature of the self or the question of free will. Buts omething of his ethical outlook is conveyed in what he has to say about thec haracter and value of philosophy-a topic which recurs throughout theb ook and gets a final chapter to itself.

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Bertrand Russell was a prominent philosopher, logician, and mathematician known for his contributions to various fields, including logic, philosophy of mathematics, and analytic philosophy. His work had a significant impact on philosophy in the 20th century. What specifically would you like to know about Russell?

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